As an organization admin, you have the ability to add other members and admins to your organization. This can be done in one of three ways! See below:
1. Adding a few org admins/members
If you are an organization admin and you are looking to add a handful of users to your organization, you can navigate to your organization profile and click the '+' next to members
From here, you'll be asked to fill out the member's email address and the role they will have within your organization (see below)
Once this step is completed, the member will receive an email inviting them to join your organization. If they already have a profile, they simply accept the invitation. If they do not have a profile, they will be prompted to create one and will subsequently be added to the organization.
2. Adding many org members
If the act of adding members manually becomes redundant, you can create a mass invite for org members. This can be done by navigating to the organization profile and clicking 'Edit Member Invite Page'
When you click the 'Edit Member Invite Page' you will be prompted with the page below:
- From here, copy the invite page link and share however you would like with your organization members
- When an organization member clicks the link, they will be prompted to create a profile, and will be added to the organization once their profile is created
- As an org admin/owner you will need to sign into your account and approve of these join requests.
3. Members requesting to join your organization
A member has the ability to navigate to your organization's profile and request to join. As an admin, you will receive an in app and email notification asking you to approve or deny of this request. Depending on your response in the platform, they will or won't be added to your organization!
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